Rock Gardens

            Typically a style of garden created in the early 19th century in England. But ancient Stonehenge and the early grottoes of Greece and Italy can fall under this style as well. The English goal of the rock garden was to mimic the great European mountain ranged like the Matter horn but on a much smaller scale. In a rock garden, the rock is as of as much importance as the flora that it is planted with. Placement of rock is important because alpine plants, which a rock garden is planted with, usually flower for just a short period of time. Rocks will be the main focus of the design for a large part of the year, Another reason placement is important is because these plants need the soil to be well drained and there needs to be great air movement. Alpine plants love cracks and crevices where their roots will be protected but their leaves and blossoms can reach the sun.

Alpine plants for the rock garden: Gentiana verna, sempervivums, Alchimilla alpina and Aquilegia spp.